My first real charity event of the year .. Please read
There are many poor villages across Africa which lack means of transportation where people must travel by foot, many miles to gather supplies, go to school, and work (See: http://youtu.be/sVdb5bl5z2s) The foundation raises money to fund the local production of these special Buffalo Bicycles across different parts of Africa.
Our goal is to raise $15,000 between now and the end of the evening of the event. Accomplishing this goal will allow for us to send 100 bicycles and set up 12 field mechanics in an African village. To help raise $ for the event we've been connecting with local businesses to sponsor the event. If you or anyone else is interested in donating to the cause you can visit The Method Makers website and click the Donate Now link, that follows to the contribution page. $134 gets a brand new bicycle to a villager in need, but anything helps.
The story of how this event came together was recently published on the World Bicycle Relief Website:
At the event we will be serving wine & beer all night.
From 9-10 there will be live music by Secret Sidewalk; http://secretsidewalk.tumblr.com/
During the evening we'll have artwork from 10 + artists in our gallery.
There will also be live painting & sketching during the show.
100% of proceeds go the The World Bicycle Relief effort.